It is the most “wonderful” time of the year!

By ThePayrollFactory

That is right! It is the most wonderful time of year for businesses! It is budget reviews for 2010. It is vendor review time. It is time to get focused and make a plan for the coming year.

What are you going to do differently in 2010 that you did not do in 2009?

I personally have lots of plans. I wrote out my goals for my business life, my personal life and for things I am going to get done in 2010.

One of the things that I am going to tell everyone with a payroll to do in 2010 is to independently check to see if your payroll company is making your tax payments! Yes, that even means you, my Payroll Factory clients!

It is so important in today’s corporate environment to make sure that everything that needs to be done to keep your company tax compliant is being done. Yes, you hire a service. Yes, you expect the service to do the job you are paying them for. But, did you know that the IRS holds all corporations responsible for making their federal tax deposits on time and in the correct dollar amount regardless if a service is being used or not. Let me repeat, the corporation is responsible. Period.

So how do you know the service you hired is doing their job? You check. Independently. You don’t ask them to give you proof of payments, you don’t ask them to give you reassurance. You check.

Lots of companies have to check up on things. They have to check when supplies are delivered to make sure everything they ordered is there. They have to check that certain equipment is functioning. They have to check that their customers are being delivered what they have promised in service or in product. So while you are checking ~ check your tax payments too.

The following is a link to our website on how to check your tax payments have been made. Use it in 2010! You will be glad you checked!

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The Payroll Factory®
Payroll processing for small business owners. Focus on what you do best and leave the rest to us.
  • 18 E Lancaster Ave, Malvern, PA 19355
  • 610-644-4569

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