Payroll Factory Client Processing Guide
Thank you for choosing The Payroll Factory® for your payroll needs. Our goal is to provide you with top-notch service. To do so however, we need your help. This guide provides guidance for you to know what we need from you in order to process your payroll efficiently and accurately. It also provides additional information we think is important to our working relationship.
This client guide will answer many questions you may have about the payroll service we provide. You will see just how simple our procedures are and how helpful we can be. On the following pages you will find:
By familiarizing yourself with this guide, you will be better able to understand our procedures and systems and how we can meet your needs.
We have a dedicated staff of personnel who want to make sure that your payroll is processed accurately and promptly every pay period. If a question does come up, please feel free to call your Payroll Processor. We will be glad to answer any questions you may have concerning your payroll or this guide.
Again, thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve your business