Why we stay with bad services.

By ThePayrollFactory

Ok, I freely admit it. I am on the band wagon! I love a winning team and last year my local team, The Philadelphia Phillies, won the World Series. So you know, this year I am basically watching every game!

Now the truth is, I followed the Phillies for a long time. And then, well they were bad and I stopped. So part of the reason I am following them is because they are on a streak and part of it is nostalgia. My grandfather used to listen to them on the radio. So did my dad. It is a family thing.

And when I am on the band wagon, well I try to do it right. So I went to the MLB site and wanted to order a Phillies jersey. And, it couldn’t just be one for an existing player. No. I wanted my name on the back with a number that meant something to me. So, sounds like a plan. Oh! And I was good. I ordered it in February, well before the opening game of the season. Plenty of time, right?!

And then my jersey came. Only it wasn’t mine. It was for someone named Chuck with the number 50 on the back. I called the company. And they did not seem too concerned. They said they would have a new one out to me in a week or so.

That passed. And another. And I called again and was told, no problem, you will have it by the opening game. And then I got an email telling me I wouldn’t and there was a delay and they would contact me again in a month. This was not going well! So I called. And missed having it for the opening game. And called again, and was told maybe in May I would receive my jersey! All the while being treated as if I were the problem!

Finally I got someone on the phone who seemed to want to help me. She said, well after all you have been through, when the jersey comes through we will expedite the shipping. I wasn’t happy, but it was something.

Well a week later my jersey came! And I was charged for the expedited shipping. And I thought, just be thankful you have this and be done with it.

I asked a fellow sports fan at work about this company and he told me, if you want an official jersey, this is the only company to deal with, so you either deal with them or forget the jersey.

Well, that got me to thinking. I heard the same thing about my cable company, until another service came into my neighborhood. And I heard the same thing about a grocery chain, until another one came into my neighborhood.

So I am wondering why as business owners and consumers we put up with bad service and being treated poorly? Is the big company the only company? As someone who runs a company that is not considered one of the ‘Big Two’ I tend to think there must be something better out there than just the big names.

Bottom line, there is always an alternative to big, bad service. I have to go now, and do something about my cable company!


Meg Eynon, VP

The Payroll Factory®


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