The Finish of A New Project!

By ThePayrollFactory

Spring is here. And I don’t know about you, but I feel like I would love to hibernate over the winter months.

This winter was a challenge for us here in Pennsylvania. Not only did we get close to record breaking snow totals, but we also had ice storms that took out our power for days at a time.

But not at The Payroll Factory®. We never lost power. We piled our families into our cars and slowly made our way into the office. IPads, iPods and other activities packed into bags for this kids. Lots and lots of coffee for the adults.

A lot of people would think that it is strange that our work place would become a warm port in a storm. But it was. And we were grateful. We were also grateful to all of the locally owned businesses that provided us with food. To go into a shop and have someone tell you that they were there in the storm because their kids said, “Dad, you have to go in – people will need your help”, well… that is beyond moving and it is what a great community can feel like.

I may have digressed there, but now that Spring is here I am ready to shake off the winter doldrums and get going full force again.

We have a few projects that we are having done in the house. I am not looking forward to them. At. All! But I will be pleased by the end result. We are once again using local labor and talent to have our flooring replaced with hardwood in my husband’s study. It will be nice to feel like we are moving on with our home projects.

At The Payroll Factory® we just finished a major project of changing our payroll processing software. We needed to make a change to something more suited to our client base with more opportunities for our clients to grow within our payroll services. Again, it was not a project that we were looking forward to but we are very pleased by the end result!

So what projects are you looking forward to getting done now that Spring has sprung? We encourage lots and lots of “Honey Do” lists. And love working with local providers to get done what our honeys cannot!

Happy Spring to all!

Meg Eynon

Vice President

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The Payroll Factory®
Payroll processing for small business owners. Focus on what you do best and leave the rest to us.
  • 18 E Lancaster Ave, Malvern, PA 19355
  • 610-644-4569

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