Labor Law Posters: What You Should Know

By ThePayrollFactory
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Believe it or not, there are over 2,000 different types of labor law posters in the United States. If you are a new business owner trying to figure out the ins and outs of making sure your company is following correct compliance procedures, one of the first things you should educate yourself on are labor law posters.

In a nutshell, labor law posters explain employees’ rights and employers’ responsibilities. They provide information pertaining to wages, benefits, safety, discrimination and time off.

There are several factors that determine which types of businesses need to display these posters like the size of the company (i.e. number of employees), industry type and if your company is doing any sort of government work.

Every poster is unique, even ones on a federal level. It’s also important for them to be displayed in an area where they are visible for everyone to see, typically a common area such as a lunch/break room, conference room, employee lounge, kitchen/cafeteria, near a time clock – pretty much any area where your employees are likely to frequent daily – and may need to be displayed in multiple locations to fulfill this requirement.

Who needs to display labor law posters?

In general, any business with employees. Certain states, cities and even counties have different requirements so it is important to make sure you have the correct ones for where your business operates.

How often do postings change?

It depends on the agency and typically the reason posters change is because a law has changed. It can also sometimes be something as simple as a phone number update or the format of the poster.

Why should you make sure your posters are always current?

By far the most important reason is risk management. For example: Not posting information about OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) could lead to a fine for your business as high as $7,000. For more information, click here.

Another important reason to keep your posters current is to maintain good employee relations. Labor law posters are important communication tools that help maintain the employer/employee relationship. It shows a good faith effort is being put forth by you, the employer.

Fast Facts

GovDocs, one of the largest labor law poster and compliance service providers in the country, gathered the following statistics and trends from the last couple of years.

  • There were 46 federal updates and 887 state updates over the last 3 years
  • The state with the most updates in 2016 was Colorado with 12
  • The state with the most city updates was California with 90
  • 44 states (88%) had at least one posting update in 2016
  • There were 459 city updates over the last three years
  • There were 31 county updates in 2016

How to stay compliant

The easiest way to make sure your business stays compliant is to simply use our payroll services! As part of our basic package, we provide a complimentary labor law poster for you every year. Additionally, we also send you any updates or law changes that occur throughout the year via email that you simply print out and post alongside your poster(s). That way, you are always compliant with all your federal and state posting requirements.

Is your payroll company providing you with labor law posters every year and does that service also include updates throughout the year? If the answer is no, or if you are using another service that is charging you an arm and a leg for just an annual poster without regular updates, The Payroll Factory® is here to help! Call us today so your business never has to worry about labor law posters again and always remains compliant!

  • Jason Saul, Director of Sales
  • (610) 644-4569

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The Payroll Factory®
Payroll processing for small business owners. Focus on what you do best and leave the rest to us.
  • 18 E Lancaster Ave, Malvern, PA 19355
  • 610-644-4569

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