Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness!

By ThePayrollFactory

Just the name of this book is a tall order! Improving decisions about health, wealth and happiness. And the title is a bit of a stretch but I found this book to be helpful in detailing different approaches in how to help people do what is best without a lot of effort.

To some that concept may rub the wrong way. After all, who determines what is best? This is addressed adroitly in the book and the phrase “Libertarian Paternalists” covers the idea of those who think we need to be led in everything from how to eat to how to retire.

But what I found helpful in this book that relates to how we run a business is some of the concepts we were using already. This book just helped refine the building of certain processes.

How would this book help you? Well, it covers things like the best way to set up a 401(k) to guarantee maximum participation. How to use your employees’ internal accounting system to help them save. It covers how to influence your clients to buy products and services that can supplement their current plan with your company. The book explains to you how to become “a choice architect” to nudge people toward the best decision for them without restricting their freedom of choice.

Nudge was a quick read with a few good ideas that could help us tweak systems we already have in place. Nudge did not have a lot of new ideas, but the ideas were presented well and gave good examples of how to use the theories it outlines in a practical way.

I would recommend it for people who are in sales or who are in a managerial position looking to develop systems that helps their businesses run more smoothly. It won’t take you long to read and it can help you position yourself in the market or help you deal with systems and processes that usually don’t get a big response.

Don’t forget! We are running an experiment here at The Payroll Factory®! You can borrow Nudge at any time from our Payroll Factory Library!

Contact me for more information!

Meg Eynon, VP

The Payroll Factory®

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