How Much Can You Save With Automated Timekeeping?

By ThePayrollFactory
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There are many benefits of installing an automated time & attendance system within any organization. Improved accuracy of data, decreasing the burden of whoever oversees payroll and increased productivity among employees and staff to name a few. Most importantly though, automating your time & attendance system results in continuous cost savings for your company. Consider the following basic example:

  • Doug is an employee that makes $11.00 an hour
  • One day, he comes in and works from 9:04 – 4:56. When recording his hours on his time card for the day, he can’t recall exactly when he clocked in, so he approximates instead and writes down 9:00 – 5:00, a difference of 8 minutes
  • When confronted about this, Doug replies “It’s ONLY 8 minutes, what’s the big deal?”
  • Let’s examine what the “Big Deal” really is:
  • If you have 25 Dougs approximating their time cards just 8 minutes each day…
    • $184 weekly
    • $367 bi-weekly
    • $794 monthly
  • Here’s what an employer can pay annually when these average hourly rates are being paid
    • 25 employees @ $9.00/hour – $7,800
    • 25 employees @ $10.00/hour – $8,667
    • 25 employees @ $11.00/hour – $9,529

…and THAT’S the “Big Deal”

Are you still having your employees track their own time by filling out time sheets? Are you manually adding up all of your employees’ hours each pay period in order to do payroll? The Payroll Factory® is here to help! We have many options available that take the burden out of timekeeping and can streamline the entire process, saving you and your company both time and money. From our online web clock service, biometric time clocks and even mobile timekeeping apps available for smart phones, call us today so we can determine which option is best for you!

  • Jason Saul, Director of Sales
  • (610) 644-4569

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The Payroll Factory®
Payroll processing for small business owners. Focus on what you do best and leave the rest to us.
  • 18 E Lancaster Ave, Malvern, PA 19355
  • 610-644-4569

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